I have to start the game again afterwards. My game doesn't just return to the main menu when trying to connect to a match, it crashes to desktop. I appreciate the help but my problem is a bit different. It's known issue since long time and if you want you can follow this topic too.
WinKillerX As a bf2 player, ofcourse i care ur problem. At least I want to know if devs are aware of this since the problem is here for 3 months now. I reinstalled the game, repaired and verified files. I tried lowering the graphics settings to normal, I disabled anti-aliasing and ambient occlusion this may have helped a little bitnothing fixes the problem. What happens when the bug occurs? Game crashes without any crash report What do you expect to see? The devs acknowledged crashing on consoles but no word on PC was ever said. Galactic Assault What is your time zone? Steps: How can we find the bug ourselves? Happened a lot when loading Coop Kashyyyk. WinKillerX How often does the bug occur? Ever since the Roger Roger update in late August What time did you see the bug? Lagrange conditions calculator It's truly random as I was able to play Coop for 2 hours without problems and then it kept crahing every 30 minutes.